Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Carbon Footprint

I would consume 3.77 earths if everyone were to live like me according to the Carbon Footprint quiz. This number is very upsetting as we only have one earth to live on. The reason my number is so high to my estimation is because I often go out to eat, and I do tend to buy lots of new products. A great way to reduce your carbon footprint through purchasing used clothing like at any garage sale, or Ragstock is a store in Minneapolis that sells used clothes for a really affordable price. Instead of buying new clothes, buy used clothes so you do not add to factories producing more and more new items.

Air Pollution Indicator
According to where I live based on my zip code, I live in a fairly air safe zone. It is ranked in the 20 percentile, which is very low and in the green zone (healthy).

Earthday Ecological Footprint Quiz said I would need 4.1 earths to sustain my lifestyle. This was a more intresting quiz as you got to have an avatar character. And as you took the quiz it walks around and then you get a question to answer relating to your lifestyle, such as how often do you eat poultry, beef, seafood, etc. Overall, I liked this quiz as it had a "flash" player to give you more of a visual.

Kids Carbon Footprint
This quiz was very much like the Earthday Ecological Footprint Quiz, except you were told wheather or not you were able to make the "Green" choice. It gives you suggestions on what is the most eco-friendly answer to their quesitons.


  1. 6.67 Earths. I thought I was doing better than that. The quiz doesn't seem to agree with me driving my full size pick-up!

  2. I was around the "3 earths" area too! :)

  3. I like the Ragstock idea eventhough I personaly don't like to wear other peoples clothes. What we always did at our house was cut up the old shirts and make rags out of them. we would also cut up old jeans so my mom would have patches for our other jeans. I think one of my sisters even made a quilt out of some the the old jeans. Also there is a Ragstock on Superior st. if you didn't know.

  4. I too enjoyed the Earthday Ecological Footprint Quiz because of the little cartoon, found it kind of fun :). But I agree, it is a little scary to think that most of us would require more than one earth, when in reality, we only have one.

  5. I've had trouble commenting on yours?? I dunno what the deal is but I was about the same about of Earths. Oh and I love Ragstock, I'm a big thrift shopper!
