Sunday, May 10, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

DP- Keepin it Green
Clean Water Activity
With this acitivity we were to read through his educational resources from the Environmental Protection Agency on Safewater, and Needs Factsheet.

I scored an 60% on this test, it is one I should read up on as it could help us til the year 2030.

Going Green With Jayme
Air Quality Index
This had a series of questions aimed for youth to answer based on when can they play outside based on a color chart that represents levels of safe environmental air to breathe.

My score on this activity was an 85%.

Sara Loves Health
Kids Health Activity
With this activity we were to go to a website with an interactive feature aimed for a child. The section we are instructed to go to is the "movies and games" section which has quizzes for us to take. Her topic for the advocacy project was health and so this activity follows that by having us go to

I learned a lot with my doiing the "Time for Bed" quiz which teaches and quizes you on how many hours of sleep humans need, and various animals need per day.

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