Sunday, April 5, 2009

Reflection Weeks 9 and 10

In these last two weeks of 9 and 10 we have been getting back into the groove of school with spring break coming in week 8.

week 9
As a class we reviewed what is advocacy. What I read for the week 9 advocacy assignment.

To sum it up
"Advocacy is exciting work. You get the pleasure of fighting the good fight, and sometimes, the thrill of victory. In order to have that, though, you need to get through all of the day-to-day details and specifics. You'll need to keep an eye on the forest while working on the trees individually. By going through the following sections carefully, we think you will be better prepared to bring about the changes that matter to your community." (from the website

As a health educator we have seven responsabilities to cover. The last and seventh responsilibity is advocacy. This is why we are learning about this subject. My first advocacy assignment is to look up who my polictical representatives are. I am from Brooklyn Park, MN. The mayor of my city is not affiliated with a political party, and his name is Steve Lampi. I also learned that at the moment Minnesota is the only state with one sentator. The second senator has still yet to be decided as the voting results are being disputed in court between Republican representative Norm Colman, and Democratic representative Al Franken.

Week 10
We have not been in class this week as the AAPERD conference is going on. This was a nice break for the students to be able to get more time to focus on other classes. During this time we were required to do a photo essay assignment. My focus was on urban sprawl. I live in Duluth, MN and we have a lot of forrestry as you go outside the city limits. We have deer that come into town and surprise you when you wake up in the mourning as they somtimes are right outside your window. They are so big and wild I love mournings with them around to suprise me. The issue is that with humans invading the wildlife's habitat, we are taking up all the land. It is good to let the open forrest stay natural. Wild animals have little choice if we take up their land. It is important to not let humans take up all the land.


  1. Kevin,
    Good reflection, sound like you might be a good candidate to advocate for the wilderness and all he animals affected by urban sprawl.

  2. Kevin-

    Your reflection looks very neat and organized. You also had some great hyperlinks incorporated in there. Waking up to a deer outside my windows does seem a little surprising. Thanks Goodness I live on the second floor of my house.
