Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

In my search for the cosmetic product to review I wanted to see what the lotion I use everyday would contribute to my health. I use Bert Bee's Milk and Honey Lotion. It claims on the bottle to be "All-natural". So, I would assume that I would have a very low rating.

What the Search Concluded
According to the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database, this lotion scored an overall 4 out of 10, making it a "moderate hazard". The results told me that the ingredients have been linked to: Cancer, developmental/reproductive toxicity, violations, restrictions & warnings, allergies/immunotoxicity, and other concerns for ingredients used in this product: Neurotoxicity, Endocrine disruption, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Miscellaneous, Multiple, additive exposure sources, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Contamination concerns

The product does not test on animals, which is great news. Also, Bert Bee's is a Compact For Safer Cosmetics signer. This means they are motivated to provide safer products for the public to use.

What I have Learned

Overall, I am happy to see that the "All-natural" product I use is living up to its name and providing a safe product. I will continue to use this product. It is linked to cancer, which is a scary thought. But, seeing how nearly every lotion is linked to cancer I am not too worried. There have been no significant research findings to pursuade me to not to use the lotion.


  1. Kevin,
    Good Post, kinda scary how many products are connected to cancer. I'm going to have to check that lotion out.

  2. Kevin..I love burt's bees (I like the pomegranate chap stick!) I'm glad to hear it's a pretty decent product. It's scary how many aren't!

  3. I was also surprised how much of a hazard a lot of these products are. It's good to see you taking steps to reduce your environmental impact. great post.
